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We understand that convenience and clarity are essential, so we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions to address any uncertainties you may encounter.

Your eligibility for SkillsFuture subsidies can potentially grant you up to 70% subsidy. The precise percentage will depend on various factors, including individual or corporate funding, as well as your citizenship and age. For more detailed information, please refer to the tables provided below. 

Individual Funding 

EligibilityFunding Support

Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents 

(21 to 39 years old)

Up to 50% of course fees
Singapore Citizens (40 years old & above)Up to 70% of course fees 

*Singaporeans 25 years old and above can cover remaining fees with SkillsFuture Credits.

Corporate Funding

EligibilityFunding Support

Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

*Registered or incorporated in Singapore. Employment size of not more than 200 or with annual sales turnover of not more than $100 million

Up to 70% of course fees
Non Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs)Up to 50% of course fees 

*Companies with existing SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) can receive up to 90% additional subsidy to offset the remaining fees.

**Additional Support via Absentee Payroll: $90 (Claimable up to $4.50 per hour, capped at $100,000 per enterprise per calendar year).

Singaporeans who are 25 years old and above have the option to utilise their SkillsFuture Credits to cover the remaining fees after funding. To check your SkillsFuture credit balance, please log in to

The grant serves as reimbursement for employers who  send their employees for training courses funded by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) during regular working hours. Additionally, it also provides compensation to employers for training conducted outside of working hours, covering the anticipated overtime pay that would have been necessary for employees. The funding is eligible for claims up to $4.50 per hour, with a maximum cap of $100,000 per enterprise per calendar year. 


In order to be eligible, organisations must meet the following criteria:

  • Organisations must be registered or incorporated in Singapore
  • Eligibility extends to non-business entities like Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs) and societies, even if they are not registered with ACRA
  • Sole proprietorships which meet all the above criteria are also eligible

Submit and manage Absentee Payroll claims here.

The SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) is a $10,000 credit specifically created to encourage enterprises to embark on business and workforce transformation. Eligible enterprises have the opportunity to receive up to 90% funding support for their out-of-pocket expenses when they participate in relevant courses. The eligibility criteria for SFEC are outlined in the table below.



Qualifying Periods

Eligibility Criteria

SFEC (Budget 2020)

1 Apr 2019 – 31 Mar 2020

1 Jul 2019 – 30 Jun 2020

1 Oct 2019 – 30 Sep 2020

1 Jan 2020 – 31 Dec 2020

  • Contributed at least $750 Skills Development Levy (SDL) 
  • Employed at least 3 SCs or PRs every month
  • Not in default of SDL contributions and have an active ACRA status 

SFEC Expansion (Budget 2022)

1 Jan 2021 – 31 Dec 2021

  • Employed at least 3 SCs or PRs every month
  • Was not qualified for SFEC previously
  • Not in default of SDL contributions and have an active ACRA status

Check your SFEC balance here.

The Workforce Skills Qualifications (WSQ) is Singapore’s national system that encompasses training, development, assessment, and certification of workforce skills and competencies. Funded and quality-assured by SkillsFuture Singapore, which awards the WSQ certifications, WSQ programmes are eligible for SkillsFuture Funding and usage of SkillsFuture Credits. 


WSQ upholds a strong quality assurance framework, ensuring high standards in skills development, training provider approval, and WSQ qualification validation. This comprehensive framework reflects Singapore’s steadfast commitment to workforce development and establishes a solid training infrastructure.

All of our courses are conducted onsite. We believe in the importance of providing a conducive learning environment where students can directly interact with instructors and fellow classmates. By conducting courses onsite, we ensure a hands-on and immersive learning experience that fosters active participation and engagement.

Our courses are designed for beginners and do not have any prerequisites in terms of prior qualifications. However, basic computer competency is required, covering areas such as keyboard and mouse usage, file and folder navigation, and basic application handling (e.g. launching and closing programs).

Candidates who meet the attendance requirement of at least 75% and successfully pass the assessments will be granted a Certificate of Completion by OOm Institute along with a SkillsFuture WSQ Statement of Attainment.

Do fill in this form and we will get back to you shortly. Alternatively, you can email us at [email protected] or call us at 6993 9898.